A Tank Originally Contains 100 Gal

A tank originally contains 100 gallons, setting the stage for a captivating exploration of water flow and level changes. This analysis will delve into the dynamics of water movement, examining how inflow and outflow rates influence the tank’s water level over time.

As we embark on this journey, we will meticulously calculate the changes in water level, considering both inflow and outflow, to determine the tank’s final water level. A comprehensive visual representation, presented in a responsive table, will illustrate these changes, providing a clear understanding of the water flow dynamics.

Water Tank Level Changes: A Tank Originally Contains 100 Gal

A tank originally contains 100 gal

This article explores the changes in water level within a tank under specified water flow conditions.

Initial State

The tank initially contains 100 gallons of water, filling it to a certain level.

Water Flow

Water flows into the tank at a rate of 5 gallons per minute. Simultaneously, water flows out of the tank at a rate of 3 gallons per minute.

This water flow continues for a duration of 20 minutes.

Water Level Changes

The inflow of water increases the water level by 5 gallons per minute, while the outflow decreases the water level by 3 gallons per minute.

Therefore, the net change in water level is 5 – 3 = 2 gallons per minute.

Final State, A tank originally contains 100 gal

After 20 minutes of water flow, the net change in water level is 2 gallons per minute x 20 minutes = 40 gallons.

The final water level in the tank is 100 gallons (initial level) + 40 gallons (net change) = 140 gallons.

Visual Representation

Time (minutes) Inflow (gallons) Outflow (gallons) Net Change (gallons)
0 0 0 0
20 100 60 40

FAQ Resource

What is the initial water level in the tank?

100 gallons

How is the change in water level due to inflow calculated?

Inflow rate multiplied by the duration of inflow

What does the visual representation of water level changes include?

Time, inflow, outflow, and net change